Wow, the tiny holes in my shirts and tops phenomenon has really taken the world by storm. I never imagined while looking for a solution with my husband, on a personal problem that I thought was my own, would we have found it to be such an epidemic! And guess what? Everyone is talking! I cannot even tell you the countless blogs and forums I have read dating back to 2006 from all over the world that discuss the countless theories as to how and why these mysterious holes appear.
“It’s not what you think!”
Everybody has their theory and maybe you fall in among these. Some people think its from the washer and dryer strategically placing tiny holes in the front bottom-area of tops, or to the hungry moths whom have an appetite for destruction just within the belly button area of the shirt, or maybe its oddly enough, belly button excretions eating through the t-shirt material. Ew, gross! The reality is its none of these. Instead, its the hardware and the button tab of your jeans!
What we mean by this, is that this is the area that comprises the metal button, zipper and what we call the nub or the tip of the button tab of your jeans that curls out. All of this, we have concluded is referred to as jean junk. No, this is not the same jean junk equivalent to what some refer to as a muffin top or is it the term used in past decades as a man or womans junk in their trunk. Rather, this is the area thats the main cause or culprit for these tiny annoying holes in our shirts and tops! The combination of wearing tops untucked with jeans always causes friction. Also, when leaning against counter-tops, wearing seatbelts, or whatever else may sandwich your shirt’s fabric against the rigid jean junk, which discreetly rubs through the shirts material un-noticed until…BAM…tiny holes have appeared!
My husband and I set out to develop the perfect, simple, slip-on solution, which naturally creates a barrier, covering the jean junk once and for all. Finally protecting all shirts and tops. Lickety Klip is the only slip-on fashion accessory to stop tiny annoying holes in all of your shirts and tops! I personally tested the proto-type for over a year and have never had another annoying hole in any of my shirts and tops regardless of the fabric. I guarantee Lickety Klip will work for you as well. Click Here to join the movement for “Hole Free” fashion and get your Lickety Klip today!